Watch the whole of THE WATERBOYS ‘Hopper’s On Top (Genius)’ video right here – it’s a ‘sweet thing’

THE first album track drop, ‘Hopper’s On Top (Genius)’ from THE WATERBOYS upcoming ‘Life, Death And Dennis Hopper’ long player, has been released today.

Buoyed by Mike Scott’s searing vocals, vibrant instrumentation, and a psychedelic edge, the song channels the euphoria and hubris of the 1960s counterculture epitomized so well by Hopper.

Scott worked for four years on ‘Life, Death And Dennis Hopper,’ an album spanning 25 tracks, tracing the extraordinary arc of Hopper’s life, from his youth in Kansas to his long rise, five wives, tumultuous fall, and ultimate redemption.

“It begins in his childhood, ends the morning after his death, and I get to say a whole lot along the way, not just about Dennis, but about the whole strange adventure of being a human soul on planet earth, said The Waterboys frontman, Scott.

The album – the band’s first for Sun Records – will be promoted during a mammoth 28-day UK and Irish tour through May and June.

Tickets and further information: The Waterboys

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