THE LOVELY EGGS. It’s all about Nothing. It’s all about Everything.
AHEAD of next month’s new album, THE LOVELY EGGS have just released ‘Nothing/Everything,’ a gorgeously melodic, uplifting – yet melancholic – seven minutes plus of sparkling, psychedelic glitter.
“’Nothing/Everything’ is the ‘Yin/Yang’ of life,” explains singer Holly Ross.
“There’s hope and despair, patience, and frustration, the mundane and the extraordinary. There is a universal and eternal magic within the everyday world around us that needs to be recognised, especially when the chips are down. This song is simply what is. It’s not looking forward or back. It’s us now. It’s uplifting and it’s tragic.”
The song is complimented by a video created by contemporary visual artists Wood and Harrison, best known for their works of physical minimalist performance, exhibiting at Tate Modern, MoMA, and Centre Pompidou.
“We are huge fans of Wood and Harrison,” added Ross. “As soon as we discovered their work, we felt an immediate connection with what they were doing, and drew parallels between what they seemed to be expressing through their art with what we are trying to achieve through music. We had such a clear vision that they had to make the video. We love their work and we’re so glad they could be involved.”
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