SAM ROBBINS offers hope on new single, ‘What A Little Love Can Do.’

NEW England-based singer-songwriter SAM ROBBINS today releases the poignant ‘What A Little Love Can Do,’ a song with its origins deeply rooted in tragedy.

“The song was written from a moment,” he said. “I had spent most of the year on the road, and had just made it back to Nashville from a long run of shows when I heard that there had been a shooting near my house.

“I was home alone all day after an amazing trip, visiting places that felt so different from where I had grown up in NH, and I started strumming. The song just flowed from there, and I think that’s where the simple, direct nature of the lyrics and message came from – just trying to be in the moment and capture my feelings in a very divided world.”

“It’s gonna be a long road when we look at where we started, one nation broken hearted, always running from ourselves…”

‘What a Little Love Can Do’ is the leading single from forthcoming album ‘So Much I Still Don’t See.

“This album is based around my touring over the past four years,” adds Robbins. “Driving 45,000 miles per year, meeting so many people from so many different backgrounds and perspectives than me, a guy in his 20’s from New Hampshire.”

The new songs are formed around soft, introspective soundscapes, all connected sparingly with solo acoustic guitar and vocals, tracked live – just as they are performed live – recorded in an old church in Springfield, MA, and largely inspired by the recordings of James Taylor, Jim Croce, and Harry Chapin.

Further info: HERE

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