Romeo lies bleeding, but JULIET’S NOT DEAD
AHEAD of February’s launch of new album ‘This World Is Ours,’ JULIET’S NOT DEAD have released the single – and video – ‘King & Queen.’
Previously known as TWISTER, the album will be the first under the name Juliet’s Not Dead.
“This is probably the biggest decision we’ve ever made as a band, having gone under the Twister banner for so long,” said Steve Stoker (vocs/guitar), “But following the completion of the album with producer Romesh Dodangoda, it just felt time to evolve, to create a brand that better represents our sound. It was hard to take the plunge but now it’s done it feels great.
“We will still be playing Twister songs, but they are now Juliet’s Not Dead songs, and when coupled with the new material folks will see that growth and natural progression. These are exciting times for us, not that we were jaded or treading water, but the new material sounds fresh and takes us to another level.”
And speaking of the new single, Stoker added, “Musically it’s a ‘feel good’ song, but it also has a message behind it, that you should surround yourself with people who make you a better person but also accept you at your worst.
“We can’t all be 100% all the time. We will have our wild moments, our down moments and we need the people around us to accept that and roll with it. Sometimes they will add to the madness, and sometimes they will be the calm we were looking for.”
Joining Stoker in the band are, Dan King (guitar/vocs), Niall Whittaker (bass/vocs), and Jack Corbett (drums/vocs).
Nov 17: London, Cart & Horses
Nov 22: Sheffield, Corporation
Nov 24: Glasgow, Audio
Nov 30: Newcastle, Riverside
CONNECT: JulietsNotDead

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