‘Oh Brother,’ DAWES always in the kitchen at ‘House Parties’

OUT now from California good time rockers DAWES, studio album number nine ‘Oh Brother,’ (via Dead Ringers), along with video for lead track, ‘House Parties.’

Following the amicable departure of two bandmates during 2023, ‘Oh Brother’ marks a new chapter for co-founders Taylor and Griffin Goldsmith with each of the album’s nine songs initially recorded live with Taylor on guitar and vocals, and Griffin on drums, with additional studio instrumentation from touring guitarist Trevor Menear incorporated later.

“’House Parties’ is a nostalgic song,” said Taylor. “A song about how true cultural experiences aren’t in the tourist traps but within human connections among specific communities. It’s a goofy lyric, but the sentiment is not. We can all relate to feeling truly alive at a dive bar or a stranger’s home, getting access into a universe we didn’t even know existed. Whether across the planet or just one town over.”

Moving seamlessly between folk rock, piano ballads, and sprawling jams while preserving their recognizable sound and freedom from expectations, ‘Oh Brother’ sees Dawes navigate new chapters in their personal and professional lives.

“All you can really do is find out what are the most essential, truest, and idiosyncratic parts of yourself,” adds Taylor, “And I like the fact that Griffin and I are kind of clinging to each other and holding on to each other more than we ever have. We’re grateful for each other in a new way. But we’ve also been through a lot.

“It feels like we’re reborn in a way, and I mean that with so, so much love and gratitude to everyone we’ve ever played with before. This is what it means to be a lifer, to have iterations. It means having phases and chapters, and this is a very clear delineation as to the beginning of a new one. So, ‘Oh Brother’ feels like a ninth record, but it also feels like a first record.”

To celebrate the new album, an extensive ‘Oh Brother Tour,’ kicks off November 7 in Knoxville, TN, with UK dates expected to be announced shortly.

CONNECT: Dawes 2024 – The official website of recording artist Dawes. (dawestheband.com)

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