THE musical genius that is JJ LOVEGROVE, Nottingham’s incomparable, sultry diva once again offers further evidence – if needed – of her prowess with today’s release of ‘Dark Room,’ a track from her hugely anticipated debut album, ‘the LInES we leave behind,’ due for release on August 18th.
‘Dark Room’ is a huge, spellbinding affair. It’s a symphony of spector-esque proportions, and if there really is a higher being watching over us, this is the song that ought to convince them to finally grant JJ LOVEGROVE access to music’s promised land.
“It’s a tough road movie of an album that sonically documents the journey of one evening between sunset and sunrise, but I want listeners to take what they want to from the music itself,” she said.
“With the new single, a young girl heads for a ‘Dark Room’ to compile evidence of certain crimes. She’s never dared go that far before, she is upsetting people and it feels electric. Driving to the woods a storm breaks. Surrounded by nature at night she feels safe at last. Her breathing slows and she goes into a dreamlike state.
“The album runs goes from dawn to dusk, through the course of one evening. The tracks crossfade into one another and include cinematic soundscapes from scenes, locations, throughout the course of the night.”
And I’ve listened to it, repeatedly, and it’s every bit as enchanting, powerful, magical, reflective, hypnotic, and extraordinary as it sounds.
Do you really need to ask if this is already one of the top three records of the year?
JJ LOVEGROVE online: Music | JJ Lovegrove