GIRLS IN SYNTHESIS: ‘LIGHTS OUT.’ A guitar’s lament to sleep deprived anxiety
LONDON – based innovators GIRLS IN SYNTHESIS have released new single ‘Lights Out’ ahead of their third album ‘Sublimation,’ due May 3rd.
And if you thought you knew GIS, think again.
‘Lights Out’ provides listeners a hint of the band’s new path. The song is split into two distinct sections, a Barrett-esque vocal and guitar lament to sleep deprived anxiety, which morphs via a ‘Faust Tapes’ influenced freeform noise section, into a stomping, high intensity closing blitz.
“The first half of the song was instinctive,” explained guitarist Jim Cubitt. “It projects the uneasy feeling of late-night anxiety when you awake from sleep in the dark of the night and your brain jumps from one terrifying thought to another. The lyrics were just a continued representation of that atmosphere of the music, which spilled out on the page.
“The second half was written collaboratively in the rehearsal room. I wrote the lyrics while walking to rehearsal, put myself in a certain head space and the lyrics appeared instantly, rhythmically matching the marching beat of my walk. John (Linger, bass) then started with the driving bass line, and we fused it together with the powerful almost ‘drum ‘n’ bass’ beat of the drums. For me this song perfectly represents the past and present Girls in Synthesis.”
Booked in for extensive UK and EU tour through May and June, expect the band to adapt their white-heat live shows, bringing subtlety and clarity to the new songs from ‘Sublimation.’
For further details: GIRLS IN SYNTHESIS — Music, Videos, Merch, Tickets, Live Shows & more…

(Photo (c) Bea Dewhurst)