NO FLAWS ON FINN: ‘Contact’ Out Now.

FORMER ‘The Flaws’ frontman Paul Finn has recently released his third single, ‘Contact’ an alternative art-rock collaboration celebrating human connection with award-winning dancer Arlene Caffrey taking centre stage in the accompanying music video. Now heading up his new group, ‘SOMEFINN,’ along with David Marron (Sanzkrit, Derek Ryan), Paul Markey (Sanzkrit), Paul Carolan (Finnian) and Darren…

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‘OrangeG’ – Marvel’s New Superhero…?

LABELLING himself a ‘Musical Scientific Musician Scientist’ (surely a world’s first) he’s known to his legions of supporters quite simply as OrangeG Based out of Pittsburgh, PA, his day job is in the sciences and much of his music influenced by his experiences in that hypercompetitive arena, but rather like some latter-day Marvel Superhero, at…

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DANIEL TIDWELL: Won’t Get Fooled Again

AHEAD of Thursday’s Bandcamp release of ‘Fool Me Twice,’ Daniel Tidwell explains the story behind the intimate, heartfelt, rock and roll ballbreaker. “I’m not as naive as the narrator I created for the song, but once I was, and in my past I made some pretty bad relationship decisions,” he said. “A consistent theme existed…

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DAVEY LONG’S FORMIDABLE DOUBLE: New album and powerful single both released today.

IRISH musician and multi-instrumentalist Davey Long today releases not only his debut album ‘Eitilt’ but also his latest single, ‘Flesh & Blood’ – an environmental activists’ call for change. In a year that has witnessed catastrophic changes to our environment, Long has dropped words of melodic wisdom about the fragility of life, marrying alt-rock to…

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‘DREAM EYES: Strength Through Adversity

PROVING the old adage true that strength can indeed emerge from adversity, West Limerick’s Tadhg Collins – recording under the guise of ‘Dream Eyes’ – has just released a contender for the ‘chill-out electronica’ track of the year. However, if he hadn’t sustained life-altering injuries which left him questioning his ability to continue to pursue…

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DEVIN REARDON’S Florida Sunshine

OUT of Saint Augustine, Florida but now based in Ireland’s County Wicklow, Irish American singer Devin Reardon’s latest single ‘Take Me To The Coast’ has just been released via FlutterTone. With a diverse musical background which began at Florida’s Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Reardon supplies strong vocals and melodic indie-pop compositions which are…

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JOE ADHEMAR’S: ‘Existential Dreadlocks’ Release Date: 30/09/21

JOE ADHEMAR’S ‘Existential Dreadlocks’ is less of a magical mystery tour than a welcome sonic ram raid on everything you’d forgotten you loved, craved and needed in your life. As Joe himself once remarked, comparing your own sound to that of others can often backfire but here there’s no denying traces as diverse as Supertramp,…

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SUNZOOM. Clearly Stronger Than Most

OUT TODAY on Colorama Records, Liverpool’s Pro-Peace, jangle folktronica songwriter and performing monkey SUNZOOM hits the target with ‘STRONGER THAN MOST.’ It’s epic. It’s a sublime piece of work. It deserves your attention. It deserves success. Watch and listen here: The concept for SUNZOOM was realised during the summer of 2021 as a vehicle for…

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HALLINDONTO – Graeme Gerard Halliday – is a Scottish artist originally from Dundee, now based in London. Hallidonto’s practice and research is centred around his “Cyborgia Manifesto” his work multifaceted, with many layers of meaning. From a complex imagination associated with various media contexts in relation to the future, his visual discourse is motivated by…

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LONDON’S British Film Institute recently hosted a special screening of 2012’s ‘Lawrence of Belgravia’ followed by a Q&A with Lawrence and film director Paul Kelly as part of their ‘Films of Saint Etienne’ mini-festival. Awarded Q magazine’s ‘Maverick Award’ in 2018 (for musicians who’ve inspired cult worship) Lawrence remains committed in his search for worldwide…

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